Vår produksjon
Cermaq Norway is certified according to some of the world's strictest standards for salmon farming. We have quality control in every step of our value chain, from broodstock until the salmon is delivered to the customer.
Every certification is a promise
We back up our commitment to sustainability, quality and safety by making ourselves openly accountable to the most stringent third-party standards in the industry. With these certifications as an independent, unbiased guide, our customers can be confident that Cermaq products are safe and sustainable, from a socially responsible company.
GlobalG.A.P - English
GlobalG.A.P is is the internationally recognized standard for farm production. GLOBALG.A.P. Certification covers food safety and traceability, environment (including biodiversity), workers’ health, safety and welfare and animal welfare.

ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) - English
ASC is an international environment standard for aquaculture. The ASC-standard sets strict requirements for environmental impact, social responsibility and animal welfare, and requires that we report openly on our results. We aim to certify all our facilities according to this standard.
Both Cermaq Norway's processing plants are certified according to the ASC Chain of Custody, which, among other things, sets requirements for traceability.
ISO 22000 - English
ISO 22000 is an international standard for food safety. The Certification ensures that our salmon is produced in accordance with all requirements related to food safety.
ISO 9001 - English
ISO 9001 is an international standard that specifies requirements for systems, management responsibilities, document management, customer focus, planning, communication, resource management, purchasing, process, traceability, non-conformance management and verification and preventive measures.